Formal Party Wear Abaya With Hijab Styles For 2024-2025

Black golden and purple formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Black, golden and purple party wear abaya with hijab styles

Are you looking for the latest formal party wear abaya designs? As we all know that abaya (also known as Muslim gown) comes in a variety of sophisticated styles and colors. This includes, fancy floor length long frock style, front open shirt with buttons, maxi abaya, cape style gown and the list goes on. For formal occasions; heavily embroidered, net lace, fully embellished and fancy abayas are most sought after by young Pakistani girls.

You will learn from this article:

  • Different styles of abayas (Images)
  • Different styles of party hijab (Images)
  • How to do party hijab style easily? (Video Tutorial)
  • Party wear abaya color combinations and stitching style (Images)
  • Online shopping for abaya and hijab in Pakistan
  • Formal party wear abaya designer brands
  • Fabric types used for abayas
  • 6 tips for choosing your abaya
Golden and black formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Golden and black abaya

If you want to look sophisticated throughout the party or wedding event, then do not miss the stylish black abaya designs that you can also wear anywhere, anytime.

[su_quote cite=”Quran 24:30″]”Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! God is Aware of what they do. And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and be modest, and to display of their adornment only that which is apparent, and to draw their veils over their chests, and not to reveal their adornment.”[/su_quote]

Embroidered pink formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Embellished pink abaya by Pakistani designer

Latest Party Wear Abaya And Hijab Styles

From the Islamic point of view, Muslim women are supposed to cover their heads and bodies properly. From ages, Muslim girls are used to wear plain black abayas. But those times are gone! Now this is the time to fulfill your obligations with some style.

There were times when making the decision about abaya was difficult. Because attending a party event or wedding ceremony by wearing casual black abaya, does not work at all! Now the internet has made everything easier than ever before.

We are blessed with the plenty of options for party wear abaya designs that are available throughout the internet. You just need to choose one that pleases you more and you are done! You may get stitched or unstitched party wear abayas without any hassle either directly from outlet or place an order from home for online shopping.

Women gets the sense of security and comfort when she properly gets herself covered. It’s not about the dress, it’s about your inner!  As mentioned in “Al-Bukhari” every women must be wholeheartedly shy not only towards the “na-mehram”, but also toward Allah!

[su_quote cite=”Al-Bukhari”]”I advise you to be shy toward God, the Exalted, in the same way that you are shy toward a pious man from your people.”[/su_quote]

Following I have gathered the most beautiful and elegant party wear abaya designs with hijab styles that are going to be trendy in 2024-2025.

If you do not like fitted abayas, then you may opt for the cape style, or loose frock style abaya with hijab that makes you feel comfortable yet Islamic.

Another thing that you can do is to cover yourself with an extra piece of matching scarf or dupatta, so that you can cover yourself properly from front.

Embroidered blue cape style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Embroidered blue cape style abaya

Brown and black frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Brown and black front open frock style abaya

Black and white net lace formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Black and white net lace abaya

Deep magenta velvet frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Deep magenta velvet frock abaya

Black and shimmery golden frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Black and shimmery golden frock abaya

Blue and golden front open gown style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Blue and golden front open gown abaya

Golden and black frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Golden and black abaya with pockets

White and purple frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

White and purple frock abaya

White and baby pink net lace frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

White and baby pink net lace abaya

Black net frock style formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Black net frock style abaya with golden belt and hijab

Black and maroon frock style velvet formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Black and maroon frock style velvet abaya

Golden net formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Golden net frock abaya

Golden and purple formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Golden and purple frock abaya with matching hijab scarf

Golden net formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Golden net frock with matching hijab

Grey velvet formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Grey velvet abaya with blue hijab scarf

Black net lace formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Black net lace abaya

Blue net lace formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Blue net lace abaya with belt

Online shopping for formal abaya and hijab scarves in Pakistan

There are numerous websites available in Pakistan from where you can purchase abaya and hijab scarves online. These websites includes:


Party wear abaya designer brands in Pakistan

Some popular fashion industries also have set their primary focus on the production of abayas and hijab scarves. Nowadays, even Pakistani models wearing fancy party wear abaya and hijab showcase the latest collection on ramp. These famous fashion designer brands have their outlets in major cities like Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad, Multan and Quetta. Most of these brands have official websites for online shopping as well.

Renowned brands for abaya and hijab scarves include:

  • Chinyere
  • AabCollection
  • Hijab Ul Hareem
White formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

White cape style abaya

Important Point:

Always try to wear abayas without any fitting! Yes, this is the point that we must take into consideration. It is essential for Muslim ladies to wear abaya that helps to hide all their body parts. It would be better to mention here that if you are going to wear abaya design from the these styles, then you can take a matching dupatta with you as mentioned earlier.

Become a true follower of Islamic teachings:

  1. Wear floor length abaya,
  2. Cover your head with Hijab, and
  3. Pin up your dupatta on shoulders (in a way that it helps to cover your chest). It will make you look modern yet sophisticated at the same time.

Different styles of party wear abayas:

Indeed you have to cover yourself properly, but still you can modify your Muslim gown in a variety of styles (as mentioned below).

  1. Maxi style abaya
  2. Front open gown
  3. Long frock style with pockets
  4. Cape style abaya
  5. Umbrella frock gown

Fabric types used for party wear abayas:

Most of the time the following fabric is used for party wear abaya and hijab scarves.

  • Net and lace
  • Chiffon
  • Cambric
  • Georgette
  • Velvet
  • Wool
Purple lace formal party wear abaya with hijab styles for girls

Beautiful purple fur and lace abaya design with matching hijab scarf

Formal Party Wear Abaya Designs With Hijab Ideas

We can observe that women from various Islamic countries always try to wear abaya and hijabs in a unique and classic ways that make them even more beautiful. That is why the women from other countries like Pakistan, tend to adapt the new ways of wearing Muslim gowns and wrapping Hijab.

[su_quote cite=”Al-Bukhari”]”Indeed from the teachings of the first prophets which has reached you is, ‘If you do not have shyness, then do as you please.”[/su_quote]

Black net lace formal party wear abaya with hijab styles

Black net lace abaya

6 Tips for choosing your party wear abaya:

  1. Don’t over accessorize your abaya, do remember always, less is more!
  2. There is nothing wrong with colored abayas. Choose whatever pleases you more, while keeping in mind the modesty.
  3. Fitted and shear abayas don’t make sense and defeats the purpose. That is why you must wear loose fitting abayas. Even if you are going to attend any party event, it still looks gorgeous and stunning all the time. You can get several ideas from the images shown in this article, and stitch your own (as loose as possible).
  4. Wisely choose the fabric. Easy to carry and lightweight fabric for summer and wool for winter season, is perfect.
  5. Contrasting colors of abaya and hijab, especially if you are wearing colored ones.
  6. If you want simple and casual Pakistani or Arabic hijab style, then make sure to to wear underscarves with low volume!

How To Do Party Hijab With Party Wear Abaya?

Are you wondering that how to perfectly do party Hijab? No worries at all! Here I have shown that how beautifully you can style your party wear hijab with step by step complete guide. Watch a video tutorial and learn easily that how you can wear party Hijab within no time!

For party wear hijab style you will need:

  1. Under scarf
  2. Scarf
  3. Accessories
  4. Pins
  5. Most importantly, practice and patience!

This video will guide you step by step for the perfect party hijab style that you must carry.

In a nutshell,

Always try to maintain balance between your personal and religious life. From the above images about fancy party wear abaya designs, you can copy the style and stitch your favorite one at home. Almost in my every article, I always mention the two basics of life; 1) Practice, and 2) Patience. By achieving these two super qualities, you can do anything just like a professional. Whether it is the matter of stitching or hairstyling!

You always have an option to style your party wear abaya and Hijab as you do like. But I firmly believe that every single person needs some guidance and clues about “what and how to do”. That’s why I have gathered the pictures for you.

So choose your most favorite fancy abaya and hijab style to get that one, either directly from the outlet or get it stitched from your tailor.

If I missed something here, then do let me know via contact form or comment below. Please subscribe to my blog so that you can get plenty of fashion updates about men, women, baby girls and baby boys. Never hesitate to make recommendations, feedbacks, and suggestions because I appreciate your participation in any way.


Zunaira Anwar

Zunaira Anwar is a Pakistani professional blogger and the founder of Fashioneven. Inspirations here are most sought after by the people who relish to follow the terrific celebrity lifestyle and motivated to adopt the most recent fashion trends. Facebook: @fashioneven, Instagram: @fashioneven, Twitter: @fashioneven, Search: #fashioneven